Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day 22 and Day 23

Day 22

So this was a half good half bad kinda day. I went for a walk at lunch like I had planned...then the grandbaby decided she wasn't in the mood for a swim so I decided it was good to go out to dinner and have some drinks. Went over what I want my calories to be but I didn't beat myself up about it. One day out of the week wasn't going to kill me right? WRONG. I had zero motivation on day 23. I get that I can/need a day off during the week but have found that it can't be proceeded by a night where I indulge a bit. 

Day 23

Eh....what a crap day Friday was. Couple of things I learned for future Tuesdays and Fridays (My work from home days) If I am going to have 2 days "off" then these might be the days to do it. So hard to get motivated to move when the rest of my day, while working, is doing so in my pajamas. I did pull it together a bit and take the baby swimming but that is minimal and more fun than focused on calorie burning (I do jog constantly either in place or chasing after her but there are no laps involved).  I need to see what next week brings and decide then if getting up on those 2 days and getting myself moving is what is needed or if I decide those are my 2 days off. I need a schedule. That is definite. Next week will be getting that schedule in order!

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