Friday, August 16, 2013

Day 2

Yesterday I got out and got moving. It was a day off from Zombies, Run! 5k so I decided to walk and swim instead. Not an incredibly fast walk as you can see. I am slower than a turtle. But at least I got out and did it. I can only get better/faster right? I am using RunKeeper to track all walks and hopefully one day runs! (Find me there: Jessica on RunKeeper).
After the walk I went and swam laps for 25 min. KICKED MY ASS. I am in the pool every day but that is usually running around after my 3 year old granddaughter. While I am moving and getting good movement out of isn't the same and making it up and down and up and down those lanes. I had long breaks in between each lap but I kept forcing myself to do just one more until I was done.

Food was Good. Stayed in the allotted calories for the day. Until...
A friend asked me to come over and drink. would be rude to turn that down right? I did modify my normal a bit. (Quite a bit) Glass filled halfway with soda water and then margarita poured on top. I still enjoyed it...It did 2 things really: Let me be social and have a few drinks like I wanted to...and I didn't get completely wasted. Considering how these nights with my friend normally end...both of these were good! So tired this morning but not hungover and I don't feel completely useless.

I use MyFitnessPal to track my food (Find me there: Jessica on MyFitnessPal). I decided to not go with a specific diet. I know that I won't be able to keep that up for an unknown amount of I am just trying to modify portions and daily intake. 

OH! And the good (and encouraging news)....Down 3 lbs!!!

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