Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 56 - Day 59

Day 56

Zumba Time! And it was a blast. Burns (supposedly) a shit load of calories and was fun. One of the classes I can do with my daughter at the Y so that helps make it more fun as well.
Funny that actual walking/jogging don't hurt my ankles or knees but I did have some twinges while doing Zumba. I am changing up my shoes next time and hopefully that will make a difference. I really do like doing it and it would kinda suck to not be able to because I have stupid old lady joints.

Day 57/58

What I am thinking of as well deserved break days. That actually wasn't the plan...But Friday I just couldn't get motivated (Work from home evilness) and it was absolutely pouring rain. I kept waiting for a break in the rain that just didn't come and I ended up sitting there like a big ole lump. Saturday I was slightly more active with no planned exercise but my daughter, me, and the grandbaby  did a double feature at the drafthouse. Ate a huge meal and drank too much. Then ended up going to a friends house and drank a little more (oops). 

Day 59

I don't understand anything about weight loss. So I bust my ass all week and the scale never moves. I lay around for 2 days eating and drinking and barely moving and I lose 2 lbs....Whatever. Just going to keep on keepin on. Had a great day...seriously great day.
Zombies Zombies and More Zombies.
I got out and did my Zombies, Run! 5K week 1 workout 3 redo and kept up the trend of faster and longer. So that made me happy.

First Week One Workout 3: 1.8 miles, 37:53 minutes, 21:03 pace
Last Week One Workout 3: 1.95 miles, 36:42 minutes, 18:51 pace

Last but not least I did and extra .75 miles walking to my daughters house to watch the season 4 premier of The Walking Dead...
Life is now made and I can enjoy my Sundays while I wait for Doctor Who to come back in Nov/Dec.

Tip for the week: We had Daily's Frozen Lemonade (includes alcohol) to drink. One frozen pouch is considered a serving...and 10oz = 280 calories. I turned my one serving into 3 and left enough for another one or 2 in the pouch. Added perrier to about 1-2 oz of the mix at a time. Didn't get plastered, didn't drink 1000 calories, kept a glass in my hand the entire time. I was happy.

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